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New Student Selection Process
- In 9th grade, special needs students attend a tour of CTCLC with their Learning Support teachers as a part of their transition component of the I.E.P. Students are given a presentation by the CTCLC guidance department and the Supervising Coordinator of Special Education. At the presentation, the course requirements for each shop as well as the cost are reviewed. Students are instructed on how to fill out the application by the Supervising Coordinator of Special Education.
- Special needs students have the opportunity to visit various shops they may be interested in prior to completing the application. The course requirements are also reviewed with the student by the instructor. Students spend the entire morning at the CTCLC the Supervising Coordinator of Special Education attends the selection process at the home school. The Supervising Coordinator of Special Education, along with a learning support teacher and a guidance counselor, reviews the courses a student has selected. Based on the course requirements and the student’s ability, the guidance counselor make a selection.
- The Supervising Coordinator of Special Education discusses with the I.E.P. team the program each student will attend. Modifications and accommodations are added to the I.E.P. at this time. These modifications are specific to the CTCLC programs.
Existing Students at the CTCLC
- The Supervising Coordinator of Special Education attends I.E.P. meetings for students presently attending CTCLC. The Supervising Coordinator of Special Education brings a performance report from each student’s CTCLC instructor. Each student’s progress to date is reviewed.
- A copy of each student’s current I.E.P. is kept on file at the CTCLC. All instructors are given a copy of the accommodations for each student in their program.
- The Supervising Coordinator of Special Education is in contact with the home school Special Needs Supervisor and/or learning support teachers to discuss student’s progress at CTCLC Examples of this are progress reports and behavioral issues that may arise.
- Para-educators are also available to assist special-needs students daily with classroom activities, tests, note-taking, etc