Mathematics at CTCLC
The CTCLC Math Course Offerings reflect the needs of our sending districts as well as the preferences of our students. Math courses are full credit and meet daily. The CTCLC mathematics department has multiple math teachers – Mrs. Smith and Ms. Ogonosky. All make a concerted effort to connect math topics in the courses with the curriculum of the labs in which the students are enrolled. Each day when a student is in a lab, that student is expected to attend math class unless prior permission has been given.
Tutoring is available to ALL students, regardless of whether or not they are taking math at CTCLC. Students who are taking a placement test such as the Accu-Placer or the ASVAB test for the military are highly encouraged to attend tutoring. This tutoring is voluntary. When a student is persistently absent or is struggling with a concept, tutoring may be required.
CTCLC is willing to collaborate with districts in delivering the necessary remediation for students that need to retake the Keystone Algebra 1 exam. Research shows that students who take four years of mathematics in high school and pass Algebra 2 have a much greater likelihood of attending and graduating from college. It also supports the fact that these students are more likely to obtain management-level positions in their chosen careers. Any student that plans to pursue post-secondary education is highly encouraged to take math during his/her senior year.
CTCLC Math Courses:
Introduction to Applied Math I
Introduction to Applied Math 2
Essentials of Algebra 1
Algebra 1 (Keystone Trigger Course)
Essentials of Algebra 2
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Essentials of Geometry
Math and Applications
Introduction to Applied Math I
Introduction to Applied Math 2
Essentials of Algebra 1
Algebra 1 (Keystone Trigger Course)
Essentials of Algebra 2
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Essentials of Geometry
Math and Applications