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Student Assistance Program (SAP)


1. Referral – Anyone can refer a student to SAP when they are concerned about someone’s behavior; any school staff member, a student’s friend, a family member, or a community member. The students themselves can even go directly to a SAP team member to ask for help.


2. Team Planning – The SAP team gathers objective information about the student’s performance in school from all school personnel who have contact with the student. Together, the SAP team, parent(s), and students develop a plan that includes strategies for removing the learning barriers and promoting the student’s academic and personal success by including in-school and/or community-based services and activities.


3. Intervention and Recommendation – The plan is put into action. The team assists in linking the student to in-school and/or community-based services and activities. The team might recommend a drug and alcohol or mental health assessment.


4. Support and Follow-Up – The SAP team continues to work with and support the student and their family. Follow-up includes monitoring, mentoring, and motivating for academic success.


The CTC SAP Team:

Mrs. Nicole Walsh, School Counselor

Mrs. Ann Jordan, School Counselor

Mrs. Stephanie Branning, Supervisor of Special Education

Ms. Margaret Walsh, School Nurse

Mrs. Christine Pazzaglia, Paraprofessional

Mr. Kyle Linko, Supervisor of Career and Technical Education

Mr. Dominick Carachilo, Assistant Principal

Ms. Denise Reilly, Scranton Counseling Center, Mental Health Liaison

Mr. Jude Villano, Lackawanna County Drug and Alcohol, Substance Abuse Liaison

Mr. Dan White, Lackawanna County Drug and Alcohol, Substance Abuse Liaison

The Student Assistance Program is a K-12 program mandated by the state, aimed at helping school staff identify issues that may hinder a student's success, such as drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, and mental health issues. Anyone can make a referral to SAP, and referrals may be made anonymously, except when made by teachers or staff members. It is expected that teachers and staff members identify themselves when making a referral while working in their professional capacity. All information shared during the referral process is kept confidential and not disclosed to the student. 
If a staff member becomes aware of any threat or witnesses any attempt towards self-harm, whether written, drawn, spoken or threatened, they should immediately notify the principal, school counselor, or their designee. In case of similar concerns outside of school hours, please call 911.