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CTCLC Health Policy

   The School Nurse will manage minor injuries or illnesses. Parents or guardians will be notified if assessment indicates a health care professional evaluation maybe necessary.

Parents or guardians will be contacted to take child home following listed guidelines:

  • Active vomiting or diarrhea
  • Temperature greater than 100
  • Extensive body rash
  • Eye injury or eye redness with drainage
  • Head lice and scabies
  • If condition would be more effectively treated at home


Medication Administration at CTCLC
   A Medication Form for nonprescription and prescription medications will need to be completed and signed by a health care provider to allow administration of medicine in school. Medication is to be brought to the school nursing office by a parent or guardian.The medication needs to be in an original, labeled container. The label should contain name of student, name of the medication, dosing information, and ordering health care professional’s name. Medication is kept in the health suite in a locked secure area. All information is confidential.

Download Medication Form (PDF)