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National Technical Honor Society

National Technical Honor Society 

Students who exhibit excellence in the classroom and consistently demonstrate critical workplace values such as honesty, responsibility, technical skill, teamwork, initiative, leadership and good citizenship can be nominated for membership.

This is the highest honor awarded for excellence in workforce education in America and represents the top 5% of students enrolled in career and technical education. 

The society recognizes the excellence of students in career and technical education while promoting a stronger, more positive image for career and technical education in America. Benefits of membership include:

* Membership certificate, pin, card, window decal, white tassel with NTHS logo drop, and official NTHS diploma seal
* Access to over $90,000 in scholarships
* Online career resources including the American Careers Journal
* Enhancing student resume
* Personalized letters of recommendation
* Monthly student e-newsletters
* Possible recruitment opportunities from top colleges and Business

To be eligible for membership in the National Technical Honor Society students must:

Students must be in their second or third year of their program area
*Recieive no quarter grade below 80 in their lab area for 10th grade
* Receive no quarter grade below 85 in their lab area for 11th and 12th grade
* No Course Failures at CTCLC or Home School
* CTCLC average of 90 or above
* Cumulative Home School Average of 80 or above
* Maintain excellent attendance- no more than 5 unexcused absences

Students are nominated First Quarter of Senior Year.   If students maintain the requirements for induction they will be inducted in the spring of their Senior Year.
Please review the attached brochure which illustrates all the benefits of memberhsip