Student Handbook
To access our Student Handbook in full PDF form, please click on the following link.
*All student forms that are found in the back of the handbook, and require signatures, can be accessed through the Eduready CTE-360 portal here: *
Quick Access
- Mission & Vision Statement
- Letter from Director
- Joint Operating Committee
- Contact Information
- Academic Information
- Attendance/ Tardy/ Early Dismissal/ Sending School Excused
- Bullying/Harassment
- CTCLC Bullying Prevention
- Cellphone/Electronic Devices
- Cooperative Education
- CTCLC Student Assistance Program (SAP)
- CTCLC Threat Assessment Team
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy)
- Parent Conferences
- Pupil Services
- Safe School Environment
- Safe School Practice- Non-Discrimination Policy
- School Calendar
- School Nurse/ Use of Medications/Student Injury
- School Personnel
- School Rules
- School/Parent Communcations
- Search of School Property/ Student & Student Belongings
- Skipping Mathematics Classes
- Student Activities
- Student Driving
- Student Forms
- Tobacco/ Smoking
Mission & Vision Statement
Our Mission:
CTCLC prepares all students for career pathways in the global marketplace by providing experiential learning with the skills and knowledge needed for postsecondary education and employment opportunities that result in self-sufficiency or family-sustaining wages.
Our Vision:
CTCLC will innovate, educate, and provide the highest quality opportunities for all of our students while continuing to be a valuable community partner.
Letter from Director
Joint Operating Committee
School District Representative
Carbondale............................................... James Dovin
Dunmore................................................... Francis Kranick, Treasurer
Forest City ................................................ Stephen Ursich
Lakeland................................................... Mark Solomon, Vice President
Mid Valley ................................................. Glenn Cashuric
North Pocono ........................................... William Burke, Secretary
Scranton................................................... Sean McAndrew
Valley View................................................ Joseph Mondak, President
John P. Finnerty, Esq., Solicitor................ Dougherty, Leventhal & Price, LLP
John Marichak, Superintendent of Record... Dunmore School District
Contact Information
Main Office ............................................... 570-346-8471
Guidance .................................................. ext. 108, 101
Pupil Services........................................... ext. 123
Business Office ........................................ ext. 194
Nurse........................................................ ext. 150
FAX ........................................................... 570-342-4251
Academic Information
Students are encouraged to make a sound program area career choice when they apply for enrollment to CTCLC. However, there may be a situation when a student may want to change his/her CTCLC program area. Changing a student’s program area can be a challenge to both the students and instructors. Requests for a program change will be reviewed cooperatively with the student, parent(s) or legal guardian(s), guidance counselors, and program instructors. Students wishing to change their CTCLC program must meet with their counselor regarding their issues, concerns, and ideas. The counselor will schedule a visit(s) to the student’s areas of interest. Through the visit, the program instructor will evaluate the appropriateness of the change. The student will then complete a change of course form that will be signed by the instructor, counselor, student, and parents.
When PM enrollment limitations are necessary, selected AM students will be required to return in the AM for their Level II progression. The AM students will be selected for AM retention following the 3rd marking period with the selection based upon review of the following criteria: Program Grades, Attendance, and Discipline.
Students selected to return in the AM for Level II will be notified early in the 4th marking period to facilitate schedule adjustments at their sending schools. Students selected to return in AM for Level II progression may also choose to enroll in a different program (AM only) or return to their sending school for a full schedule the following year.
Progress reports are issued mid-way between each report card for students who are in danger of failing the quarter. Progress reports are posted to both the parent and student portal. They are issued so that the student and the parent are aware of the student’s progress. All students’ progress can be monitored through the parent portal, which can be accessed on the school’s website. Parents or guardians are strongly encouraged to contact the CTCLC Instructor and Guidance Counselor to discuss student progress.
Report cards are issued four (4) times per school year. They include grades earned, teacher’s comments, and daily absences. Report cards will be posted on both the parent and student portal, with parent/ guardian(s) notification via the automated calling system.
Students are graded according to their performance in class and the proficiency they demonstrate. This includes theoretical knowledge of their chosen field and the application of this theoretical knowledge to lab work. Development of the characteristics of a good employee, such as teamwork, attendance, and work ethic will also be considered in assigned grades. Grading is as follows:
93 – 100 Excellent
85 – 92 Above Average
76 – 84 Average
70 – 75 Minimum Requirements
0 – 69 Failure (F)
I Incomplete
When a student accumulates five (5) or more unexcused absences in a quarter, the highest possible grade they will receive for that quarter is a 60.
If a student fails at CTCLC, they will not participate in Awards Night. They may receive a certificate of completion in their program but cannot participate if they fail a math credit they are taking at CTCLC.
Students are encouraged to participate in career technical student organizations. The student activities at the Career Technology Center include:
• National Technical Honor Society
• SkillsUSA
• Student Council
• Student Ambassador Program
The qualifications for membership into the National Technical Honor Society are as follows:
• No CTCLC quarter grade below 80 10th, 85 11th & 12th grades • Cumulative CTCLC average of 90 or above
• CTCLC student of at least 2 (two) years
• Absences: 5 permitted senior year
• Review of Discipline Records, no suspensions in/out of CTC • Cumulative Home School average of 80 or above with no course failure for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade
• Nominations made senior year by Instructor
For other student activities, the criteria is the same, excluding grades.
Each instructor may select a senior student at the end of the school year as “Student of the Year” for outstanding achievement at the Career Technology Center. Faculty, administration, and staff also nominate a “Student of the Month” at CTCLC. The selection is based on grades, attendance, involvement in school activities, attitude, discipline, etc.
Attendance/ Tardy/ Early Dismissal/ Sending School Excused
The Joint Operating Committee requires that school-age students enrolled in the career and technical school attend school regularly, in accordance with state laws. The educational program offered by the center is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. The Joint Operating Committee recognizes the positive correlation between regular attendance and achievement.
Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in the center during the days and hours that the center is in session, except that the building administrator or teacher may excuse a student for temporary absences when receiving satisfactory evidence of mental, physical, or other urgent reasons that may reasonably cause the student’s absence. Urgent reasons shall be strictly construed and do not permit irregular attendance.
The Joint Operating Committee considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence:
1. Illness – medical professional excuse.
2. Quarantine – medical professional excuse.
3. Recovery from accident – medical professional excuse. 4. Death in immediate family. (2 days)
5. College or military visits (2 days) with documentation. 6. Court mandated absences – court provided excuse needed.
Absences shall be treated as unexcused until the center receives a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence, to be submitted within three (3) days of the absence. Student-signed excuses shall not be acceptable. The fact that a parent/guardian provides a written explanation for the absence does not, in itself, qualify the absence as excused. Parent excuses are not acceptable. Vacation days are considered unexcused.
Seniors that accumulate 15 days unexcused and/or fail to complete the NOCTI written or NOCTI practical test will not walk on stage on Awards Night, NO EXCEPTIONS. Seniors who are not permitted to walk are required to remain at CTCLC until senior grades are due at their home school.
The Joint Operating Committee may report to appropriate authorities infractions of the law regarding the attendance of students below the age of seventeen (17). The Joint Operating Committee shall issue notice to those parents/guardians who fail to comply with the requirements of compulsory attendance that such infractions will be prosecuted in accordance with law.
Attendance need not always be within school facilities. A student will be considered in attendance if present at any place where school is in session by authority of the Joint Operating Committee; the student is receiving approved tutorial instruction or health or therapeutic services; the student is engaged in an approved and properly supervised independent study, work-study or career education program; the student is receiving approved homebound instruction.
The Joint Operating Committee shall permit a student to be excused for participation in a project sponsored by a statewide or countywide 4- H, FFA or combined 4-H and FFA group upon written request prior to the event.
The Joint Operating Committee will recognize other justifiable absences for part of the school day. These shall include medical or dental appointments, court appearances, family emergencies, and other urgent reasons.
Students must be present until 9:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. in each session to receive attendance credit. Students who leave before these times must present a valid Doctor’s excuse.
Medical and dental appointments must be verified through the center prior to the date of absence, if at all possible. Students may not be excused if the appointment cannot be verified. Court-related appointments in which early release is required must be verified and cleared through the administration prior to the date of absence, if at all possible.
The Director or designee shall develop administrative regulations for the attendance of students which:
1. Ensure a school session that conforms with the requirements of state regulations.
2. Govern the keeping of attendance records in accordance with state statutes.
3. Distribute annually to staff, students, and parents/guardians Joint Operating Committee policies and school rules and regulations governing student attendance, absences, and excusals. 19
4. Impose on truant students appropriate incremental disciplinary measures for infractions of the center’s rules, but no penalty may have an irredeemably negative effect on the student’s record beyond that which naturally follows absence from class learning experiences.
5. Ensure that students legally absent have an opportunity to make up work.
Attendance records, including instances of tardiness, shall be a factor used to determine a student’s eligibility to participate in cooperative education programs and extracurricular activities.
When a student is absent from the center, s/he shall be restricted from all center functions and activities for that day, both onsite and offsite.
Upon return to school from an absence, a written excuse explaining the reason for the absence must be provided to the Program Instructor within the next three (3) school days. This excuse must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian and any medical professional or court-provided excuse must be attached.
When a student’s accumulated unexcused absences reaches five (5) days, a notice will be mailed to the parent/guardian and sending school principal advising that the student is being placed on attendance probation.
When a student’s accumulated unexcused absences reaches ten (10) days, a mandatory conference will be scheduled by the sending district and the parent/guardian and the CTCLC will be notified of the date and time. This conference is intended to provide affected parties the opportunity to present additional information and/or extenuating circumstances and develop an action plan for improving attendance.
Failure by any party to attend the ten (10) day conference automatically forfeits their ability to raise extenuating circumstances at a later date.
When a student’s accumulated unexcused absences reaches fifteen (15) days, the student may be dis-enrolled from their CTCLC program and returned to their sending school for resumption of a full academic schedule. If this situation occurs during the fourth marking period, the student may be allowed to complete the school year at CTCLC, but will not be enrolled at CTCLC for the following school year.
When any student’s accumulated absences reach thirty (30) days (excused and unexcused) an administrative review meeting will be held to determine if continued enrollment in the CTCLC program of study is appropriate.
For safety and security reasons, all students are to enter and exit CTCLC via the front doors located near the main office. Students arriving after their scheduled arrival time must obtain a Late Pass. Students that accumulate four (4) unexcused tardies will receive a detention. The second offense will result in a second detention to be followed by suspension thereafter.
Students are not allowed to leave school prior to dismissal because of work or social obligations.
Early dismissal requests will be reviewed by the CTCLC administration and a determination will be made as to whether the reason for the early dismissal will be considered an excused dismissal. Dismissals that will be excused include notifications from a medical facility, approval from school nurse that student is ill and needs to leave, approval from sending
district due to student participating in some type of extracurricular activity, Courtmandated absences – court- provided excuse needed, death in immediate family. Repeated requests will be reviewed critically. For a dismissal to be marked excused, students must submit proper documentation within three days of the early dismissal. Failure to do so will result in the student receiving an “unexcused dismissal” for that day.
Requests must be presented to the main office prior to the student leaving and contain the specific reason for leaving, time & date of dismissal, parent/guardian signature & valid phone number.
Students leaving prior to the CTC’s dismissal time to participate in sports, theater, or other extracurricular activities must have the homeschool provide the CTC with a schedule of event dates and times for approval. The CTC must approve the schedule prior to the student participating in the event(s) and leaving for the day.
Students leaving for an event not approved by the CTC, abusing this privilege, or not notifying the CTC of a change in the event schedule will have the absence recorded as “Unexcused Dismissal” and may face disciplinary action.
All students leaving early MUST sign out at the front office. Students leaving early and who are being picked up by an adult must: a. Have the adult come into the building to sign them out. b. The adult must be registered on the student’s record. c. The adult must provide the office with proper identification. d. Any other adults coming to pick up students must have authorization and confirmation from the parent/guardian verified before the student can leave the building.
Students participating in a cooperative education experience must remain in school until the end of the school day when attending their required CTC classes.
Four unexcused early dismissals will result in a detention. Offenders accumulating more than four unexcused early dismissals can result in increased discipline measures up to and including suspension, as well as loss of driving privileges. They will also be mandated to have a parent/ guardian pick the student up whether the student drives or not for any early dismissals afterward.
Forgery of notes and excuses: The forging of notes, excuses, etc. is considered a serious violation of school policy. Any student found guilty of forging a note will receive disciplinary action as per the disciplinary code. Also, if the note is found to be using an outside entity’s information the entity will be notified which may result in additional legal action.
The CTCLC sending schools must provide advance notice to the CTCLC if they wish to excuse any or all of their students from attendance on a regularly scheduled school day. This includes any early dismissal or late start school days and any other days not listed on the sending schools’ annual school calendar. The notice shall include the reason for the excusal and the names or numbers of students excused. Students leaving for homeschool events cannot leave until verification of the event is sent to CTC from the homeschool.
CTCLC will only recognize ten (10) such sending school excuses as acceptable absences. Additional days absent will be counted against the students’ five (5), ten (10), fifteen (15), and thirty (30) day limits identified above.
Two (2 days) bereavement for immediate family and two (2) days for college or military visits, with documentation, are permitted.
In striving to provide a safe and positive learning environment; harassment regarding an individual’s race, religion, ethnicity, or disability is viewed by CTCLC as unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. Harassment by individuals such as staff members, students, contracted individuals, and vendor is prohibited by CTCLC. Any student, who feels any other individual is harassing him/her, must communicate to that individual or individuals that the behavior is found offensive and must be discontinued. The student must also report the incident to his/her instructor, guidance counselor, building principal or any faculty or staff person. All complaints will be investigated expeditiously and substantiated complaints will lead to corrective action taken by the CTCLC administration.
Threatening, bullying or any intimidating behavior is also prohibited by CTCLC. Any student who feels intentionally intimidated, bullied, or threatened by another individual must communicate to that person that the behavior is found threatening or intimidating. The student must also report the behavior to his/her instructor, guidance counselor, building principal or any faculty or staff person. Any student who is found, through report and/or investigation, to be intentionally intimidating
CTCLC strives to provide a safe and positive learning climate for students in the center. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the center to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated.
CTCLC prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students and third parties in the center. CTCLC encourages students and third parties who have been harassed to promptly report such incidents to the designated employees. Complaints of harassment shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action will be taken when allegations are substantiated. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the center’s legal and investigative obligations. Neither reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith charges of harassment.
For purposes of this policy, harassment shall consist of verbal, written, graphics, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, national origin/ethnicity, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or religion when such conduct:
1. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity or creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational
2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance.
3. Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s learning opportunities.
For the purpose of this policy, sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; and other inappropriate verbal, written, graphic, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
1. Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a student’s academic status.
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used at the basis for academic or work decisions affecting the individual.
3. Such conduct deprives a student of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment.
4. Such conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the student’s school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
Examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment include but are not limited to sexual flirtations, advances, touching, or propositions; verbal abuse or a sexual nature; graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or body; sexually degrading words to describe an individual; jokes; pin-ups; calendars; objects; graffiti; vulgar statements; abusive language; innuendos; references to sexual activities; overt sexual
conduct; or any conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s ability to work or learn or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or working environment.
Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of their fellow students and center employees and to ensure an atmosphere free from all forms of unlawful harassment.
The building administrator shall be responsible to complete the following duties when receiving a complaint of unlawful harassment:
1. Inform the student or third party of the right to file a complaint and the complaint procedure.
2. Inform the complainant that s/he may be accompanied by a parent/guardian during all steps of the complaint procedure.
3. Notify the complainant and the accused of the progress at appropriate stages of the procedure.
4. Refer the complainant to the Compliance Officer if the building administrator is the subject of the complaint.
A student or third party who believes s/he has been subject to conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report the incident to the building administrator or a center employee.
An employee of the center who suspects or is notified that a student has been subject to conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy shall immediately report the incident to the building administrator.
If the building administrator is the subject of a complaint, the student, third party, or employee shall report the incident directly to the Compliance Officer.
The complainant or reporting employee is encouraged to use the report form available from the building administrator, but o r a l complaints shall be acceptable.
Once a complaint has been received, the complaint process shall be in accordance with Policy #248 of the approved policy manual.
CTCLC Bullying Prevention
CTCLC is committed to protecting students from all forms of bullying behavior. Every student has the right to attend school in a non-threatening environment where he/she is treated with dignity and respect. As a school community, CTCLC is committed to working together with students, and parents (guardians), and sending school districts to provide a safe and secure environment for students and staff.
CTCLC’s Anti-bullying program will maintain this philosophy each school year.
See CTC’s Harassment Policy
1. Bullying involves aggressive behavior (physical, emotional, or social in nature)
2. Repetitive pattern – over time
3. Imbalance of power or strength
If your child is being bullied, he or she is strongly encouraged to tell someone (teacher, administration, school nurse, guidance, parent). Bullying behaviors will be investigated and handled in a professional and fair manner.
Cellphone/Electronic Devices
Toys, radios, iPods, MP3 players, cell phones, headphones, earbuds, electronic games, cameras, cards, spinners, and other entertainment devices are not permitted in classrooms. Because use and/or possession of these items can cause disruptions in education, staff will confiscate
and store these items in the main office until a parent/legal guardian retrieves them. Disciplinary action will be taken.
The use of cellular phones and any devices that have the capability to take photographs, record audio or video, or text message, is prohibited during the instructional school day at CTCLC.
1. Cell phones are allowed only in the cafeteria before 8:15 A.M., during scheduled lunches, and after 3:00 P.M.
2. Cell phones may be used in the classroom for instructional purposes at the discretion of the instructor.
3. Cell phones must remain off during an evacuation.
The Career Technology Center staff assumes no responsibility for lost and/or damage to entertainment/communication devices brought to school by students. Unauthorized entertainment/communication devices used in school by students will be confiscated and released only to a parent/legal guardian. Failure to cooperate with the confiscation will result in an out of school suspension.
Students found to be using cell phones in unauthorized areas during the school day will be subject to confiscation of the prohibited item, as well as subject to the following disciplinary action.
• First offense- Warning. Device confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
• Second offense- Detention. Device confiscated to be picked up by parent or guardian.
• Third offense- Suspension. Device confiscated to be picked up by parent or guardian.
Refusal to turn over phone will result in immediate suspension.
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an educational program that combines classroom learning with real-world work experience. It provides students with the opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge in a professional setting related to their field of study. Co-op programs are designed to enhance students’ academic learning by providing hands-on, experiential learning opportunities.
Cooperative Education includes:
• Capstone
• Paid/Unpaid Internships
• Clinical Experiences
• Diversified Occupations
Co-op is designed to be a culminating skill development program. It is a unique plan of education that integrates classroom learning with supervised work experience in the business community. The co-op program provides an opportunity for seniors and 4th quarter juniors to be employed for a ½ day during school hours in the field where they have received technical instruction at the CTCLC. The work is monitored by the coordinator of the program from CTCLC and a mentor at their workplace. They receive full credit for their employment hours and earn an hourly wage equal to or greater than minimum wage.
1. Program of Study (POS) Instructor Recommendation
2. Adherence to CTCLC’s Attendance Policy (Junior Year) 3. Above Average CTCLC Grades (85 – 100) (Junior Year) 4. Passing all classes at sending district
5. Review of Discipline record
6. Displays Strong Hard and Soft Skills
7. Level II (4th quarter Junior) or Level III (Senior) student 8. Approval from their sending school principal
Adherence to the CTCLC handbook and employer policies is required for continued participation in the cooperative education program.
CTCLC Student Assistance Program (SAP)
In Pennsylvania, every school is required to have a plan for identifying and assisting students who experience barriers to learning. The CTCLC–SAP team follows PA’s Department of Education guidelines and is confidential.
A SAP team is comprised of successfully trained individuals from CTCLC’s staff and Lackawanna community agencies to provide assessment and support to students and their parents or guardians as a team. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. We will provide you with information; the goal is to help your child succeed in school.
Anyone can refer a student: parent, teacher, principal, peers, or self-referrals. Participation is voluntary. If you feel your child needs help, please call the school (570-346-8471) and ask to speak with a member of the SAP team.
CTCLC Threat Assessment Team
In 2019, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 18 of 2019, which amended Pennsylavania’s Public School Code by adding Article XIII-E, Threat Assessment. One of the provisions of this article requires that school entities establish a Threat Assessment Team (TAT).
CTCLC’s TAT consists of our School Safety and Security Coordinator as well as individuals with expertise in school health, counseling, administration, and special education. Some members from CTC’s SAP team and Safe2Say Something Crisis Team are also members.
Both students and staff are trained annually on information pertaining to the TAT including how to make anonymous tips through the Safe2Say app and anonymous referrals through our SAP Referral Process. More information about CTCLC’s TAT can be found under the Joint Operating Committee tab under Joint Operating Committee Policies, Policy #236.1 or by calling the school.
Be here notified that CTCLC is mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to maintain a working relationship with local authorities and is required to report to these authorities incidents related to violence, weapons possession, drug possession and/or abuse, harassment or any other activity which impedes the orderly and safe operation of the educational institution. This policy will be enforced with the intention of maintaining a safe and secure learning environment.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy)
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Secondary Schools The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:
(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School principal or appropriate school official a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. The school is not required to provide copies and may charge a fee if copies are requested.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believe are inaccurate. Parents or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the School principal or appropriate school official, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is listed below:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Parent Conferences
Pupil Services
The School Counseling Program at The Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County is a comprehensive program, developed to meet the academic, personal/social, and career development needs of all students. Students, Parents/Guardians, and Staff are encouraged to meet with the School Counselor to address any student concerns. Academic development is addressed through the teaching of time and task management, effective study skills, and identifying related coursework in preparation to choose from a wide variety of substantial postsecondary options, including college. Social and personal issues will be addressed by assisting students in developing interpersonal skills, respect for self and others, coping and conflict resolution skills, decision-making, and goal setting. The School Counselor will assist students in career planning by determining areas of interests and aptitudes, selecting a program that meets their career/occupational goals, and expanding their individual options. Goals and objectives for community involvement also include parent and family collaboration to support and nurture students’ goals and improve the probability of successful completion of the program.
The counseling relationship between students and their school counselor requires an atmosphere of trust and confidence. However, students are informed that exceptions to confidentiality exist in which counselors must inform others of information they obtained in the counseling relationship in order to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to students, themselves, or others, and if it is legally required.
Parents are encouraged to request a conference to discuss student performance. The Guidance Department will complete all arrangements and establish a time and date for the conference.
There is a need for the communities that surround the Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County to fully understand the services and program opportunities that exist for the students and parents of Lackawanna County. Our Career Resource Coordinator works closely with our sending districts to support all endeavors to bring appropriate career resources to the students and parents of the member districts.
Our goal is to provide our students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to become useful, productive, and self-respecting citizens capable of maintaining employment and continuing their education within the scope of their career. We accomplish this by integrating academic and career/technical education while still meeting the industry skill standards. Leadership, teamwork, and communication skills are critical to success in the workplace. The programs of study are designed to provide students with the qualifications necessary to obtain an entry-level position or to continue their education at a post-secondary institution.
Students requiring specially designed instruction will have their needs met according to their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). CTCLC employs a Special Needs Coordinator who attends IEP meetings to help IEP teams develop appropriate career and technical programming for students with special needs. The Special Needs Coordinator then shares the information with the appropriate CTCLC staff to ensure proper delivery of the IEP. Students may always seek extra help from their instructors if they do not understand an assignment if the work is difficult, or if they have been absent and have missed assignments and class discussions. Students should arrange a conference directly with the instructor before or after school, or at a mutually convenient time during the day.
Safe School Environment
Cameras and professional staff supervise the facility. Special attention is devoted to entrances and corridors leading to and from exterior areas and it is required that all entering guests provide proper identification and register in the main office. Specific instructions are provided upon registration. School policies govern all visitors as well as our student population and municipal and state codes are enforced.
In order to create and maintain an orderly environment within the school, students and guests are required to adhere to the rules and regulations as set forth in the 2023-2024 Student Handbook and to abide by the decisions of the administration in disciplinary matters.
Safe School Practice- Non-Discrimination Policy
CTCLC is dedicated to providing all who enter its campus or participate in its programs a safe and secure environment. This includes the maintenance of a safe and secure facility, enforcement of applicable safety policies and procedures, and the encouragement of any person to report in confidence and without fear of reprisal for any situation or activity which compromises the safety and security of any person. The policies and procedures of CTCLC pertaining to health and safety, emergency management, and crisis management may be reviewed by contacting the office of the Director during normal business hours. It is important for you as students and parents to understand that CTCLC is mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to maintain a memo of understanding with local authorities and are required to contact the local authorities on issues or concerns pertaining to violence, weapons, substance abuse, harassment, hate crimes or any other action deemed detrimental to a healthy learning environment. This zero-tolerance policy is intended to provide our community with a safe and secure educational environment.
The Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Career Technology Center’s Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504 Coordinator at 3201 Rockwell Avenue, Scranton, PA 18508, or 570- 346-8471.
School Calendar
28, 29, 30 Instructor In-Service Days
31 First Day for Students
4 Labor Day-School Closed
9 Columbus Day-School Closed
10 Veterans Day-School Closed
23 Early Release, Fall Break
23, 24, 27 Thanksgiving Holiday-School Closed (Nov. 23-27)
25-31 Christmas Holiday-School Closed (Dec. 25-31)
1 New Year’s Day-School Closed
15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-School Closed
16 School Closed-InstructorIn-Service Day
19 Presidents’ Day- School Closed
28, 29 Spring Break-School Closed (28 Potential Snow Make Up Day)
01 Spring Break-School Closed-Potential Snow Make-Up Day
23 CTCLC Senior Awards Night
27 Memorial Day-School Closed
10 Tentative Last Day of School
School Nurse/ Use of Medications/Student Injury
A full-time nurse is available for emergency health care. For nonemergencies, students must secure a written pass from their teacher before visiting the nurse. Other than administrators, the school nurse is the only member of the school staff who can excuse a student from school during the day due to illness or injury. Students who become ill during school hours are not permitted to leave school property without the express permission of a CTCLC administrator.
Students will only be released to the custody of the parent or the parent’s designee. The designee of the parent must be an adult with photo identification. Accurate emergency contact information must be submitted to the school and kept current. It is the responsibility of the student, parent, or guardian to notify the school if and when this information changes during the school year.
Students are also required to provide the school with pertinent information regarding allergies, health, and medical history. This information must be submitted at the beginning of each school year and up-dated as conditions change during the school year. This will insure that CTCLC can respond in an efficient and proper manner should the need arise. Students may be excluded from certain types of shop work until the information is on file.
On-going health care for student illness or injury is the responsibility of the student’s personal physician.
It is recommended that prescription and non-prescription medicines be administered at home whenever possible. However, CTCLC recognizes that some students would be unable to attend school without receiving medication during the school day. Therefore, CTCLC will permit the administration of prescription and non-prescription medication only under the following conditions:
Non-prescription and prescription medicines cannot be taken in school without an accurate and properly completed “Authorization for Medication During School Hours” form.
The form is located on page 69 of the CTCLC Student Handbook. It must be submitted to the school nurse if medication is needed during school hours. Additional forms may be printed from the CTCLC website: www.
Medications must be brought to school in a sturdy container labeled by the physician or pharmacy (prescription medications) or by the parent (non-prescription medications). This label should contain the student’s name, the name of the medication, and the dosage.
CTCLC will incur NO liability for the use of unauthorized drugs.
In the event of a student being injured, every effort will be made to contact the parent by phone. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, then authorized persons may make whatever arrangements might be deemed necessary for transportation of the student to a hospital or available physician.
1. Any student who becomes ill, hurt, or injured while attending CTCLC is required to report the injury to the instructor and report to the CTCLC nurse.
2. A student must first report to the school nurse prior to being released for illness. The nurse will contact the student’s parent or guardian. Students are not to call from cell phones for pick-up. Students may use the phone in main office to contact their parent or legal guardian.
School Personnel
Dr. Karla Carlucci.......................................................................... Director
Dominick Carachilo ..................................................... Assistant Principal
Kyle Linko............................ Supervisor of Career & Technical Education
James McHale........................................................Chief Financial Officer
Colleen Stepanovich .......................... Continuing Education Coordinator
Janet Yontas.....................................................Practical Nursing Director
Lisa Bieri.........................................................Special Needs Coordinator
Ren Petrauskas......................................................... Director of Operations
Alexandra Zero ...........................................Career Resource Coordinator
Automated Manufacturing Technology .................................. Dean Baker
Automotive Technology.................................... Bryan Peck, Daniel Ward
Building Mechanics Trades .................................................. Cody Mowry
Carpentry............................................................................Shane Malicky
Child Development.........................................................Kristine Lenceski
Collision Repair Technology ................................................Brian Pisarcik
Computer Networking Infrastructure......................................John Moran
Cooperative Education........................................................ Bonnie Baker
Cosmetology ............................. Christine Menichini, Kristina Petrauskas
Culinary Arts........................................Stephen Anania, Mark McAndrew
Cybersecurity .................................................................Thomas Czachor
Digital Communications .....................................................Paul Georgetti
Electrical Construction Technology.................................... Robert Lettieri
Guidance ..........................................................Nicole Walsh, Ann Jordan
Health/Medical Assisting Services ..................................Jaclyn Chesnick
HVAC/r................................................................................................ TBA
Illustration and Design......................................................Patrick McLane
Masonry............................................................................ Jason Sheridan
Mathematics............. Kristen Smith, Jessica Ogonosky, Elizabeth Reifler
Medical/Clinical Assistant ................................................... Jennifer Savo
Plumbing and Heating Technology..................................................... TBA
Print Production Technology ...........................................Rebecca Rinella
Protective Service Occupations......................................Jonathan Coyne
School Nurse....................................................................Margaret Walsh
Service Occupations .......................................................... Arielle Connor
Welding Technology ..............................................................Landon York
Marissa Bernardi
Isabella Torda
Christine Pazzaglia
Taryn Wells
Brenda Rhodes
Mackenzie McAndrew.......................Service Occupations Lab Assistant
Kathy Czachor........................................Automotive, Protective Services
James Thomas McHale...................... Health Occupations, Mathematics
TBA..................................................................... Administrative Assistant
Mauri Olivetti .............................Practical Nursing Confidential Secretary
Deb Killino .............................................................. Main Office Secretary
TBA........................................................................ Confidential Secretary
Dean Pencek .......................................................Technology Coordinator
Janet Pencek....................................................Student Data Coordinator
Ann Rousseau ................................................................Staff Accountant
Teri Cerep ...............................................Administrative Assistant to CFO
Marlene Toolan..................Cafeteria Coordinator
Pamela Bird
Debra Symons
Diana Pigga
Breanna Toolan
Richard Harvey
William Hofacker
Michael Hudson
Christopher Lewis
Brian Major
Damien Mulderig
Rohlend Teal
Carl Yaklic
School Rules
Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, roller sneakers, etc., shall not be permitted on school premises at any time. This includes the outside premises of the school. Should a student possess any of these recreational devices on school property, the device will be confiscated by office personnel, instructor, etc., and will be released only to the parent or guardian of the student. Disciplinary action will be taken.
1. Students are not to be in possession of any type of inhalant, including but not limited to such items, which are non-edible, paint, gasoline, mouthwashes and/or breath fresheners with alcohol content. Additionally, containers with unlabeled contents are not permitted in school.
2. Matches, lighters, hazardous chemicals, laser pointers, fireworks, knives, firearms, weapons, and any facsimiles of any type are not allowed in school.
3. Deliveries of food, candy, flowers, balloons, etc., are not permitted during the instructional day without administrative approval.
In some program areas the use of specialized tools, equipment, and materials is required. To ensure the safety of all students and staff, detailed rules regarding the use and maintenance of these items are enforced. It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with these classroom-specific rules and to follow the procedures as outlined by the teacher. Although they may differ slightly per program area, the policies regarding these items state:
• No tool or equipment is to be removed from a classroom by a student. • Tools and equipment of a sharp or potentially dangerous nature must be used under the supervision of the teacher and at no other time.
• Students must use tools and equipment of a sharp or potentially dangerous nature safely as required by the nature of the program.
Violation(s) of these and more specific classroom rules will result in disciplinary action.
The removal of school or personal property without permission is considered theft. Discipline, restitution, and/or referral to local law enforcement may be imposed.
Vandalism is the willful destruction or damage to school or personal property on school grounds. Discipline, restitution, and/or referral to local law enforcement may be imposed.
All students will arrive and leave the Career Technology Center in their CTCLC approved uniform or sending school uniform. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action that may include suspension.
Students are expected to dress in appropriate attire. Appropriate attire is clothing which permits the student to work safely, does not detract from the educational process, and which presents a positive image of the individual and the school.
The following items are inappropriate or are a safety issue and will not be allowed inside the building during school hours.
• mesh or see-through clothing
• tank tops or low-cut dresses or blouses
• half shirts, tube tops, or midriff shirts
• shorts or skirts extending to less than 3 inches above the knee • skin-tight clothing such as spandex and yoga pants (may be worn if covered with appropriate long top that extends to 3 inches above the knee)
• torn, tattered, or frayed clothing
• sunglasses, unless prescribed by a physician
• pajamas
• bedroom slippers
• shoes with fixed and/or retractable wheels or rollers
• gloves
• excessively baggy clothing
• Inappropriate head gear including hoodies
• flip-flops, sandals, and open-toed shoes
• wallet chains
• gang-related apparel
• sexually suggestive, crude, or vulgar commercial lettering or printing and/or pictures that depict drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, racial/ethnic slurs, weapons, or gang affiliation
• any other item deemed to be a distraction or safety concern.
Clothing shall be neat, clean, safe, and cannot disrupt the instructional process. Pants are to be properly worn, not below the waist. Underwear is not to be exposed.
Shoes, sneakers, or other appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. NO OPEN TOED SHOES ARE TO BE WORN INSIDE THE BUILDING AT ANY TIME.
Each instructor will provide specific information regarding dress and CTCLC recognizes the right of students to wear jewelry and other adornments. However, certain jewelry and adornments, and the manner in which they are worn or displayed, may not be appropriate under certain circumstances and may pose a danger to the safety or welfare of the student, other students, or staff.
The administration and/or teaching staff may require that students remove any jewelry or adornments that might be reasonably considered as posing a threat to the safety of the student, other students, or staff.
As it may present a health or safety hazard within our total school environment, students with certain pierced body parts will be excluded from participation in specific activities and from specific programs. In many careers, body piercing does not conform to the industry standard and is viewed as unprofessional. The appearance and hygiene of a student should not endanger others, be offensive to others, or interfere with the educational process. Action will be taken as required to eliminate the condition that exists.
In the case of the day-to-day school environment, the administration and/or teaching staff will require that students remove any jewelry or adornments while in the classroom and/or lab which might reasonably be considered as:
• posing a threat to the safety of the student, other students, or staff • posing a threat of interruption of the education process • affecting the ability of a student to properly speak, hear, concentrate, or otherwise participate in the educational program • affecting the ability of other students to so participate
• a risk which might result in injury to the student or others in the event of an altercation or other disturbance.
Students refusing to cooperate with the directions of the administration and/or staff with regard to this policy will be excluded from school until they are willing to comply. Disciplinary action will be taken.
For safety and security reasons, all students are to enter and exit CTCLC via the front doors located near the main office. Students arriving after their scheduled arrival time must obtain a Late Pass. Students that accumulate four (4) unexcused tardies will receive a detention. The second offense will result in a second detention to be followed by suspension thereafter.
Bus transportation to and from the Career Technology Center is provided by, and the responsibility of, the sending school. Questions concerning transportation and incidents that occur on the school bus should be reported to an administrator at the sending school, as well as to an administrator at CTCLC.
All students are to be dropped off and picked-up at the front entrance. Students are not permitted to board buses other than those designated by their sending district.
Walking off CTCLC school grounds to access vehicles or obtain a ride is prohibited during the school day. Student drivers dismissed early by their sending school must be parked on school grounds and have a valid CTCLC permit or they will not be dismissed until regularly scheduled times.
Opening of school activities include the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. All students will be encouraged to participate in this patriotic activity. Students whose personal beliefs prohibit such actions are not required to participate in this activity provided the school is notified of such, in writing, by the parents or legal guardians. However, nonparticipating students must not disrupt or otherwise infringe upon the rights of others to participate in this action. Disruption of this ceremony, by any student, will result in disciplinary action.
The school is legally responsible for all students once they arrive at the CTCLC campus. Leaving the building or school grounds without permission will result in disciplinary action taken against the student. Parents and the sending school will immediately be notified that their student left school property without being granted administrative permission.
Students will not be permitted to leave their classrooms without authorized hall passes. Students are expected to ‘sign out’ any time they leave their classroom and carry with them a valid hall pass. Students who are in an unauthorized area without express permission from either their instructor or an administrator will be subject to disciplinary action.
If a warrant for the arrest of a student has been issued, and a constable or other law enforcement official has been sent to locate that student to execute the warrant, the student may be removed from school grounds so as to not cause unnecessary delay to the issuing authority. The school will attempt, as a courtesy, to contact the parent or guardian to notify them of the student’s status. The school cannot hold the student or refuse removal of the student from the premises.
All food, whether brought in or purchased at the school, must be consumed in the cafeteria only.
1. Students will report directly to the cafeteria for their lunch periods.
2. Students should properly discard trash and return trays, dishes, and silverware to the appropriate cafeteria area.
3. All food and drinks must be consumed within the cafeteria. Food and drinks are not to be removed from the cafeteria. Bottled water is allowed in classrooms at the instructor’s discretion.
4. Screaming, yelling, or other loud noises will not be tolerated. 5. Students are not permitted to bring glass containers into school.
6. Students who throw food or any object in the cafeteria will face disciplinary action.
Each student is responsible for the removal of dishes, utensils, etc., and the cleanliness of the area they use.
Fighting is a physical or verbal assault on other students or school staff. While effort will be made to determine who provoked the incident, all parties involved are subject to reprimand. Physical or verbal fighting is a behavior that can be prevented by avoiding or walking away from the person or persons with whom there is an existing problem and by notifying an instructor, guidance personnel, or administrative personnel of the problem before it escalates into a physical confrontation. Fighting mandates an automatic suspension up to and possibly including a 10 day suspension from school following an informal hearing. The appropriate law enforcement agencies will be notified and charges may be filed against all involved. The local Magistrate determines the fines and court costs.
Weapons and facsimiles of weapons are forbidden on school property; concealed or not. No student shall go on to the school premises with a firearm, explosive, weapon, knife, any dangerous or illegal instrument, or any instrument represented as such.
No student shall interfere with normal activities, occupancy, or use of any building by exhibiting, using or threatening to exhibit or use a firearm, explosive weapon, knife, other dangerous or illegal instruments, or any instrument represented as such. Any student violating this policy will be suspended and reported to the police, where legal action may be taken in accordance with Act 26 and Section 1317.2 of the Pennsylvania School Code.
For purposes of this policy, school premises shall consist of the school, school grounds, school buses, or any premises, grounds or vehicles used for official school purposes.
In striving to provide a safe and positive learning environment; harassment regarding an individual’s race, religion, ethnicity, or disability is viewed by CTCLC as unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. Harassment by individuals such as staff members, students, contracted individuals, and vendor is prohibited by CTCLC. Any student, who feels any other individual is harassing him/her, must communicate to that individual or individuals that the behavior is found offensive and must be discontinued. The student must also report the incident to his/her instructor, guidance counselor, building principal or any faculty or staff person. All complaints will be investigated expeditiously and substantiated complaints will lead to corrective action taken by the CTCLC administration.
Threatening, bullying or any intimidating behavior is also prohibited by CTCLC. Any student who feels intentionally intimidated, bullied, or threatened by another individual must communicate to that person that the behavior is found threatening or intimidating. The student must also report the behavior to his/her instructor, guidance counselor, building principal or any faculty or staff person. Any student who is found, through report and/or investigation, to be intentionally intimidating
CTCLC strives to provide a safe and positive learning climate for students in the center. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the center to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated.
CTCLC prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment of students and third parties in the center. CTCLC encourages students and third parties who have been harassed to promptly report such incidents to the designated employees. Complaints of harassment shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action will be taken when allegations are substantiated. Confidentiality of all parties shall be maintained, consistent with the center’s legal and investigative obligations. Neither reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith charges of harassment.
For purposes of this policy, harassment shall consist of verbal, written, graphics, or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, national origin/ethnicity, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or religion when such conduct:
1. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity or creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational
2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance.
3. Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s learning opportunities.
For the purpose of this policy, sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; and other inappropriate verbal, written, graphic, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
1. Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a student’s academic status.
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used at the basis for academic or work decisions affecting the individual.
3. Such conduct deprives a student of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment.
4. Such conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the student’s school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
Examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment include but are not limited to sexual flirtations, advances, touching, or propositions; verbal abuse or a sexual nature; graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or body; sexually degrading words to describe an individual; jokes; pin-ups; calendars; objects; graffiti; vulgar statements; abusive language; innuendos; references to sexual activities; overt sexual
conduct; or any conduct that has the effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s ability to work or learn or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or working environment.
Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of their fellow students and center employees and to ensure an atmosphere free from all forms of unlawful harassment.
The building administrator shall be responsible to complete the following duties when receiving a complaint of unlawful harassment:
1. Inform the student or third party of the right to file a complaint and the complaint procedure.
2. Inform the complainant that s/he may be accompanied by a parent/guardian during all steps of the complaint procedure.
3. Notify the complainant and the accused of the progress at appropriate stages of the procedure.
4. Refer the complainant to the Compliance Officer if the building administrator is the subject of the complaint.
A student or third party who believes s/he has been subject to conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy is encouraged to immediately report the incident to the building administrator or a center employee.
An employee of the center who suspects or is notified that a student has been subject to conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy shall immediately report the incident to the building administrator.
If the building administrator is the subject of a complaint, the student, third party, or employee shall report the incident directly to the Compliance Officer.
The complainant or reporting employee is encouraged to use the report form available from the building administrator, but o r a l complaints shall be acceptable.
Once a complaint has been received, the complaint process shall be in accordance with Policy #248 of the approved policy manual.
CTCLC recognizes that the abuse of controlled substances is a serious problem with legal, physical, and social implications for the whole school community. As an educational institution, the center shall strive to prevent abuse of controlled substances.
For purposes of this policy, controlled substances shall mean all:
1. Controlled substances prohibited by federal and state law 2. Look-alike drugs
3. Alcoholic beverages
4. Anabolic steroids
5. Drug paraphernalia
6. Any volatile solvents or inhalants, such as but not limited, to glue and aerosol products
7. Prescription or patent drugs, except those for which permission for use in school has been granted pursuant to Joint Operating Committee policy
For purposes of this policy under the influence shall include any consumption or ingestion of controlled substances by a student.
CTCLC prohibits students from using, possessing, distributing, and being under the influence of any controlled substances during school hours, at any time on school property, at any school-sponsored activity, and during the time spent traveling to and from school and school-sponsored activities.
If based on the student’s behavior, medical symptoms, vital signs, or other observable factors the building administrator has reasonable suspicion that the student is under the influence of a controlled substance, the student may be required to submit to drug or alcohol testing. The testing may include but is not limited to the analysis of blood, urine, saliva, or the administration of a Breathalyzer test.
School/Parent Communcations
CTCLC follows the snow delay and cancellation of the Scranton School District. Students should adhere to their sending school snow delay and cancellation schedule as well. CTCLC will also send notification via an automated calling system for such events as well as when the student is absent from CTCLC. You may be notified in several ways: telephone, email, and/or text message. CTCLC must have your correct contact information for you to receive these messages. (If there is no announcement, school is open).
When the sending district does not transport students, students are not required to attend CTCLC.
Search of School Property/ Student & Student Belongings
The CTCLC supports the elimination of the possession or use of illegal substances/devices. The administration wants to convey a strong message to the community, faculty, staff, and student body concerning the use or possession of illegal substances.
It shall be the policy of CTCLC to permit the administration to periodically invite law enforcement agencies, or other qualified agencies or individuals, to search school property with dogs trained for the purpose of detecting the presence of illegal substances:
1. The administration shall authorize the search and have a designee on hand while the search is taking place.
2. Parents and students are notified of this policy through its inclusion in the student handbook.
3. All school property such as lockers, classrooms, and storage areas may be searched.
4. Individual(s) shall not be subjected to a search by dogs. 5. Once this notification has been given to parents and students, the CTCLC will have met its obligation to advertise the searches. Additionally, notices need not be given and actual times or dates of planned searches need not be released in advance.
With reasonable suspicion, an administrator can require a student to present his/her belongings for the search of prohibited items, illegal substances, or weapons. School personnel, to assist in the search of a student and his/her belongings, may use electronic wands.
School lockers, desks, locker rooms, roadways, and parking areas are the property of CTCLC. The use of such property by students is a privilege, not a right. The reasonable expectation of privacy that students enjoy does not extend to lockers, desks, or vehicles parked or driven on school property. CTCLC reserves the right to search lockers, desks, and vehicles on school property when necessary for the protection of the health, welfare, and maintenance of discipline in the classroom or on school grounds. This may include random, blanket, periodic, or sweeping searches, and may include the use of animals or mechanical means in an effort to detect the presence of illegal substances, weapons, or other prohibited articles or materials and/or facsimiles of illegal substances, weapons, or other prohibited articles or materials. Random, periodic, or sweeping searches of all lockers will be conducted without regard for any individual suspicion.
Searches of students, student clothing, and student possessions may be conducted if the administration determines that a reasonable level of suspicion exists that a violation of school policy has occurred.
Skipping Mathematics Classes
The use of mathematics is an integral part of every program of study taught at the CTC. It is imperative that students taking CTC math classes attend daily. In addition, successfully completing mathematics is necessary for meeting graduation requirements at your home school. Because of the importance of math in subject areas, below is a list of guidelines that have been established when a student skips(does not report to)math classes when they are present at CTC. Disciplinary action for continuing to skip mathematics classes will increase and may lead to out-of-school suspension.
• 1st math class missed - 1-day detention
• 2nd math class missed -2 days of detention
• 3rd math class missed -3 days of detention
• 4th math class missed - Parent conference scheduled with home school administration as well to discuss student’s current performance in math and the possibility of receving a full-time schedule at the student’s home school.
Student Activities
Students are encouraged to participate in career technical student organizations. The student activities at the Career Technology Center include:
• National Technical Honor Society
• SkillsUSA
• Student Council
• Student Ambassador Program
The qualifications for membership into the National Technical Honor Society are as follows:
• No CTCLC quarter grade below 80 10th, 85 11th & 12th grades • Cumulative CTCLC average of 90 or above
• CTCLC student of at least 2 (two) years
• Absences: 5 permitted senior year
• Review of Discipline Records, no suspensions in/out of CTC • Cumulative Home School average of 80 or above with no course failure for 10th, 11th, and 12th grade
• Nominations made senior year by Instructor
For other student activities, the criteria is the same, excluding grades.
Student Driving
1. Students are permitted the privilege of driving licensed vehicles to school. By law, the school does not have to provide parking for students driving on school property. CTCLC assumes no liability regarding student driving or any damage to a vehicle on school property. Permission to drive forms may be obtained at the main office.
2. Any student found abusing the driving and parking regulations will have her/his driving privileges revoked. Other means of transportation will have to be found, such as home school busing or parent drop-off and pick-up.
3. When a student fails to fulfill his or her obligations as a student at CTCLC, driving privileges may be revoked at any time and the parking permit fee will not be refunded.
4. Should the student decide to drive to school, the student will be responsible for getting to school on time. Students who drive to school must find their own transportation to and from school should their vehicle break down for any reason. Traffic, accidents, and vehicle malfunction are not considered excused absences. This also applies to students who ride along with a student who drives to school every day.
5. When a student accumulates four (4) unexcused absences in one (1) quarter or eight (8) total unexcused absences, they must forfeit their parking permit and the fee will not be refunded.
6. Students enrolled in the morning session who drive are required to arrive prior to the beginning of classes. Classes begin at 8:15 A.M., and students utilizing transportation other than that provided by the home school are required to be in class at 8:15 A.M. Student drivers arriving after 8:15 A.M. are to report to the main office for a late pass. Students enrolled in the afternoon session who drive are required to arrive prior to the beginning of classes. Classes begin at 12:15 P.M., and students utilizing transportation other than that provided by the home school are required to be in class at 12:15 P.M. Student drivers arriving after 12:15 P.M. are to report to the main office for a late pass. When a student is late eight (8) times, they must forfeit their parking permit and the fee will not be refunded.
All afternoon students that drive will be excused at 3:00 P.M.
While on CTCLC grounds the following rules are to be adhered to:
• No loitering in the parking lots. Immediately enter building upon arrival.
• 15 M.P.H. speed limit.
• All directional and stop signs obeyed.
• All drivers are to yield the right-of-way to school buses and pedestrians.
• All students are to park in designated student parking area only. (Parking lot adjacent to greenhouse).
• All drivers will display a valid parking permit. This permit must be hung from the rearview mirror.
• No use of tobacco, other drugs, or alcoholic beverages is permitted in vehicles on CTCLC property.
• Students are not permitted to remain in their vehicles or congregate in the parking lot area prior to the beginning of school and during lunchtime. Students are to go directly into the school building. No student is permitted in the parking lot area or at his/her vehicle during scheduled class/lab time without proper authorization by administration.
• Students who ride to school with other students must submit a rider permit obtained from the CTCLC office. Students transporting other students without proper permits on file will be subject to disciplinary action. Students who have not filed rider’s permits and are found riding with a driver will be subject to disciplinary action.
Student parking is considered a privilege by this school; therefore please follow the rules and park in designated areas for student parking. All students parking on school property must display a parking permit. Permits may be purchased through the Principal’s office for $15.00. Permits must be hung from the rearview mirror and be visible from the outside. If a permit is lost or stolen, the student is responsible for replacement at the same cost. Permits are not transferable from one student to another.
There are a limited number of student parking permits, Permits are distributed on a first come, first served basis and each class will be given a specific time frame to obtain their driver’s permit. Seniors not getting their permit within the proper time line will relinquish their parking spot to a lower classman.
Students are not permitted to leave school property without permission. Once a student is on school property, the student may not leave without administrative permission.
Any student who is parked on CTCLC grounds without a parking permit will be given only one (1) warning. The next incident, the car will be towed at owner’s expense.
Student Forms
Tobacco/ Smoking
Smoking, use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, vaping liquid, or possession of these items in any form on school property is not permitted (Pennsylvania Anti-Smoking and Clean Air Law, September 1, 1989). Students violating this policy (law) will be subject to disciplinary action. Violators will be referred to the District Magistrate. Be advised that consequences include suspension from school and a parental conference.
The Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County’s tobacco and vaping policy carries a mandatory suspension as outlined in the Student Handbook. However, because we feel the loss of education to these students is costly to all concerned, we have decided to become pro-active in reference to tobacco and vaping use in school. Therefore, we have adopted a program called “Catch Your Breath” for the school’s Alternative to Suspension Program (ATS). The program is offered as an option to students who face suspension for violation of the school tobacco and vaping policy for the first time. The program consists of four sessions,
each session lasting for approximately 50 minutes of instruction. The sessions address the following issues:
• Facts of Student Tobacco Use
• Comparison of Smoking and Vaping
• Long- Term Effects of Vaping
• Addiction and the Brain
• Influence of Social Media
• Strategies for Quitting
• My Future Plans-Tying it All Together
For students who choose the ATS program, attendance is mandatory. If the student is excessively late or misses a session, the full mandatory suspension will be issued, and submission of the violation to the local magistrate. Parents/Guardians will be sent a copy of a student contract, signed by their child along with dates and times he or she must attend. Our program will be taught by a certified school contractor and will be scheduled at rotating times throughout the school year. The student must attend the sessions assigned to them.
Again this program is mandatory, if the student is absent from any session or is excessively late, the full mandatory suspension will be issued, and submission of the violation to the local magistrate.